Month: February 2021

When Bruce Arians was asked who influenced his coaching style, he mentioned some advice he got from Bear Bryant. Bryant died in 1983. Patrick Mahomes’ dad was 12 years old then, still nine years from making his major league baseball debut. To say it has been a long journey for Arians is an understatement. His
“I then started working for him as his personal assistant in 2014-2015,” Cleary alleged. “I saw first-hand, over and over, him being an abusive violent boyfriend to his [girlfriend] Lindsay. Over the almost two-year stretch I saw her in tears and him screaming and belittling her more often than I didn’t.
“[Bennett’s] memory, prior to the pandemic, was so much better. And he’s not alone. So many of my patients are negatively affected by the isolation, the inability to do the things that matter to them,” he said. “For someone like Tony Bennett, the big high he gets from performing was very important.”
“It is worth remembering that the current system is tremendously beneficial for the army: it has complete command autonomy, sizeable international investment in its commercial interests and political cover from civilians for war crimes,” Gerard McCarthy, a postdoctoral fellow at the National University of Singapore’s Asia Research Institute, tells the BBC.
There will be no true “Media Day” at the Super Bowl this week. Even in the best of times, throngs of reporters surrounding football coaches and players is a cauldron of potential infectious disease spread. There’s more room in the womb than in the crush in front of Tom Brady. And that’s before some “reporter”
US President Joe Biden is reportedly looking to restrict police from receiving military equipment. The 1033 programme allows local law enforcement to receive surplus weapons and vehicles from the US Department of Defense. More than $7.5bn (£5.5bn) worth of equipment has been transferred over the years, with over 8,000 agencies enrolled. Video by Dan Lytwyn
Dr Nikki Kanani, NHS England’s primary care director, said: “It has been a privilege to vaccinate some of the most vulnerable people and the wonderful people who look after them. Many have had little contact with the outside world throughout the pandemic and so it has been truly humbling for all, giving them hope and