Month: December 2020

Merritt Moore is a ballet dancer and quantum physicist. She became hooked on dancing at the age of 13 and for years saw here dancing and physics studies as separate worlds. But one day she combined them thanks to a Universal Robot in Norway. She became inspired by the way the robot moved and rehearsed
Russell Westbrook and John Wall are changing jerseys and moving addresses but instead of it being a blockbuster deal in a league that never sleeps, it’s indicative of a standing neither no longer possesses. It’s not quite a crossroads or a fall from grace, but the NBA moves fast and franchises have to move faster.
It remains a relatively quiet year in the college football coaching carousel, but the plates beneath the industry’s surface are hinting at a significant shift. It’s just a matter of whether it arrives in weeks or months. That shift could come soon, depending on what the brass at Michigan and Texas decide. Those are the